This is a set of HD resolution (Up to 4K [3820×2160]) guideline templates to use when creating your own end screen outros on YouTube.
It’s free on a “pay-what-you-want” model and always will be – so if you can throw a few bucks my way for it, it’d be greatly appreciated!
This version has also been updated so that the .AEP comps are now 20 seconds long & 60 frames per second by default.
There are 3 PSD files available for 720, 1080 and 4K resolutions, so that you can design your end screen in Photoshop (Or whatever software you use that can read PSDs). There is also an After Effects project file with comps at those same resolutions that are tied to the PSDs – so you can make your design in Photoshop, save it, and then work on animating it in After Effects.
I highly recommend downloading both the PSDs and the AEP for that reason.
Included In Your Purchase:
- 3 .PSD files for 720, 1080 & 4K (2160) resolutions.
- 1 .AEP file containing comps for each .PSD (Each comp is 60 FPS and 20 seconds long)
- .AEP and .PSD files are all highly organized.
- License File
Where To Purchase:
As mentioned, this resource is 100% free on Ko-Fi! Always will be – but it is “pay-what-you-want”, so if you can throw a few bucks my way for it, that’d really be appreciated! Or maybe consider donating through the button in the header menu here on the site, if you can!